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Prove & Improve Behavioural Outcomes From Your Investment Through a Unique Data Set.

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Uplift Analyisis

AV Campaign Uplift Analysis

Go live today!  - No integrations and no tagging means no work on your side.

Accurately measure the real impact of AV channels on web visits and shopper behaviour.  Secure more budget through accurate & timely analysis of the true impact of your media. Prove the effectiveness of your investment and improve your advertising campaign response

Cross Media Attribution 

Granular AV response insights power detailed understanding to improve your future media planning and results.

Go live today!  - No integrations and no tagging means no work on your side.

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Cross Media

Competitors’ Insights

Insider access into your competitors’ AV strategy saves you from spending time and budget on weak channels and unlikely experiments, instead informing channel investment strategies that are proven to be more effective. Competitor data inspires more confident planning and boosts your credibility with your Board when seeking additional budget.  

Go live today!  - No integrations and no tagging means no work on your side.

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Competitor's Insight
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